How to know if you will have baldness later on

How to know if you will have baldness later on

How to know if you will have baldness later?  Capillaris suggests you discover some methods that allow you to know if you will have a baldness later on.

The main factor is often genetic and therefore hereditary, if your parents have suffered from baldness there is already a high probability that you will be affected by baldness later on.

More and more men are affected by premature baldness, some even from 18 years old, the interest to know if we can be affected by baldness later lies in the fact of taking in hand this problem as soon as possible to slow down this hair loss.


hair transplant

To know if we will have a baldness later on, a simple method consists in cutting our hair very short and taking some pictures, especially at the vertex and gulfs, and observing if there is a variation of density which can be expressed by a slight variation of color because of the visibility or not of the head. Hereditary genetic factors are of course an important part of the risk of developing baldness later in life, but not only that, a poor lifestyle and a bad diet can also be aggravating factors for early baldness.


To know if we will have baldness later, a simple method is to cut our hair very short and take a few photos, especially at the vertex and the gulfs, and to observe if there is a variation in density which can be expressed by a slight variation in color due to the visibility or not of the skull. We can also count the number of hairs lost during the night by sleeping on a white sheet. Hereditary genetic factors of course have a large part in the risk of developing baldness later but not only, a poor lifestyle and a poor diet can also be aggravating factors of early baldness.

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